Meet our Benefits Solutions Group team.

Their expertise brings our clients full-service benefits solutions with a high touch business model.

Benefits Solutions Group Experts

Danielle Ozer

Executive Vice President, Brokerage Services

Gina Wicklas

Director of National Accounts, Alliance Workplace Solutions, Benefits Solutions Group

Cassie Coffelt

Manager, Client Benefits and Brokerage

Diana Moujouros

Senior Benefits Coordinator

Josse Sandoval

Benefits Coordinator

Loreal Rubio

Benefits Coordinator

Lorin Manganiello

Benefits Coordinator

Beth Gay

Executive Assistant to Bruce Leon

Tandem Family of Companies' Executive Team

Salo Doko

President & COO

Tanya Yakhnis

Chief Financial Officer

Katie Stewart

Director of Strategic Accounts

Danielle Ozer

Executive Vice President, Brokerage Services

Sally Rotter

Vice President, EAP Services

Gina Wicklas

Director of National Accounts, Alliance Workplace Solutions, Benefits Solutions Group